8.9. Room Acoustics

Room acoustics predicts the sound field distribution and the sound decay in rooms (Valeau et al.).

8.9.1. Diffuse Model for Room Acoustics

In room acoustics, the mean-free path λ of the room is evaluated by:



V = volume of the room
S = surface area of the room

According to the theory of diffusion for particles in a scattering medium, the diffusion coefficient of a room is defined as:



c = speed of sound

The acoustic energy density flux is defined by the gradient of energy density as:


The acoustic diffusion model is governed by the following diffusion equation:



Dt = the total diffusion coefficient in the room, which is defined by the diffusion coefficient De in the empty room and the diffusion coefficient of the furniture Df in the room:
ma = coefficient of atmospheric attenuation
αf = absorption coefficient of furniture in the room
λf = mean-free path of furniture in the room, which is calculated by the number of furniture items per unit volume nf and the furniture’s average scattering-section Qf:
= omnidirectional radiated sound power source

The weak form of the acoustic diffusion model is cast by:


8.9.2. Mixed Boundary Conditions

The energy exchange on the boundaries in the acoustic diffusion model is described by the mixed boundary condition:



h = exchange coefficient, which is calculated as:

= outward normal unit vector of the surface

8.9.3. Coupled Rooms with a Partition Wall

The acoustic energy exchanges transferring from one room to another through a partition wall with coupled area S12 in the room 1 and S21 in the room 2 are described by the following:



= transmission coefficient, which is calculated by the transmission loss R(dB); that is = 10-R/10

A two-port network admittance matrix is implemented to couple two rooms together (see Transfer Admittance Matrix for more information on the transfer admittance matrix):
