4.5. Nonlinear (Multilinear) Elasticity

The following multilinear elasticity topic is available:

4.5.1. Guidelines for Use

Mechanical APDL provides a capability to model nonlinear (multilinear) elastic materials (input using TB,MELAS). Unlike plasticity, no energy is lost. (The process is conservative.)

Figure 4.23: Stress-Strain Behavior for Nonlinear Elasticity represents the stress-strain behavior of this option. Note that the material unloads along the same curve, so that no permanent inelastic strains are induced.

Figure 4.23: Stress-Strain Behavior for Nonlinear Elasticity

Stress-Strain Behavior for Nonlinear Elasticity

The total strain components {εn} are used to compute an equivalent total strain measure:


is used with the input stress-strain curve to get an equivalent value of stress σe .

The elastic (linear) component of strain can then be calculated:


and the "plastic" or nonlinear portion is therefore:


In order to avoid an unsymmetric matrix, only the symmetric portion of the tangent stress-strain matrix is used:


which is the secant stress-strain matrix.