13.33. LINK33 - 3D Conduction Bar

Matrix or VectorElement configurationShape Functions Integration Points
Conductivity and Specific Heat Matrices; and Heat Generation Load Vector2-node (KEYOPT(4) = 0) Equation 11–13 None
3-node (KEYOPT(4) = 1) Equation 11–25 3

13.33.1. Other Applicable Sections

Heat Flow describes the derivation of thermal element matrices and load vectors as well as heat flux evaluations.

13.33.2. Matrices and Load Vectors for 2-node element

The conductivity matrix is:



A = area (input as AREA on R command)
= conductivity along longitudinal s direction (input as KXX on MP command)
L = distance between nodes

The specific heat matrix is:



ρ = density (input as DENS on MP command)
Cp = specific heat (input as C on MP command)

This specific heat matrix is a diagonal matrix with each diagonal being the sum of the corresponding row of a consistent specific heat matrix. The heat generation load vector is:



13.33.3. Matrices and Load Vectors for 3-node element

A closed-form representation of the matrices and load vector is not available since integration rules are used to evaluate them.

For the 3-node element, the specific heat matrix is a full matrix (not a diagonal matrix).

13.33.4. Output

The output is computed as:





q = average thermal flux (output as THERMAL FLUX)
TI = temperature at node I
TJ = temperature at node J
Q = average heat rate (output as HEAT RATE)