11.3. 3D Lines

This section contains shape functions for various line elements.

Figure 11.2: 3–D Line Element

3–D Line Element

11.3.1. 3D 2-Node Lines (Not Combining Translations and Rotations)

These shape functions are for 3D 2-node line elements without RDOF, such as LINK33, LINK68, BEAM188, or LINK228.










11.3.2. 3D 2-Node Lines (Combining Translations and Rotations)

These shape functions are for 3D 2-node line elements with RDOF.





11.3.3. 3D 3-Node Lines

These shape functions are for 3D 3-node line elements such as BEAM188 and BEAM189.









11.3.4. 3D 4-Node Lines

These shape functions are for 3D 4-node line elements such as BEAM188.





