13.214. COMBI214 - 2D Spring-Damper Bearing

Matrix or VectorShape Functions Integration Points
Stiffness and Damping MatricesNoneNone
Stress Stiffening MatrixNoneNone

13.214.1. Matrices

The following sections describe the different matrices used by the COMBI214 element: Matrices for User-Input Characteristics (KEYOPT(1) = 0) General Case

If KEYOPT(2) = 0, the element lies in the (XY) plane and the stiffness, damping and stress-stiffness matrices in nodal coordinates are:





K11, K12, K21, K22 = stiffness coefficients (input as K11, etc. on the R command)
C11, C12, C21, C22 = damping coefficients (input as C11, etc. on R command)
L1 = distance between the two nodes I and J
L2 = distance between the two nodes K and J

The matrices for KEYOPT(2) equals 1 or 2 are developed analogously.

Stiffness and/or damping matrices may depend upon the rotational velocity (input through OMEGA or CMOMEGA) if real constants are defined as table parameters.

The mass matrix is:



M11, M12, M21, M22 = mass coefficients (input as M11, etc. on the R command)
s1, s2 = coefficients based on the KEYOPT(6) setting:

KEYOPT(6) s1 s2
301 The Case of Rotating Reference Frame Dynamics

In a rotating reference frame analysis (CORIOLIS,ON,,,OFF), additional terms are included if the bearing is stationary. The equation of the element forces in the stationary reference frame is:



{Fe} = element forces in the stationary reference frame
{r} = displacement vector in the stationary reference frame

Following the discussion in Rotating Damping Matrix, the element forces in the rotating reference frame can be expressed as:



{Fe'} = element forces in the rotating reference frame
{r'} = displacement vector in the rotating reference frame

In a linear analysis, if the rotating damping effect is activated (RotDamp = ON on the CORIOLIS command) and C11 = C22 with C12 = C21 = 0, the second term is included and will modify the apparent stiffness of the element.

In the general case, the element forces are periodic at twice the rotational velocity and are only included in a transient analysis with NROPT,FULL. Equations for Reynolds Equation Integration (KEYOPT(1) > 0)

For information on equations used for Reynolds equation integration, see Finite Length Formulation for 2D Elements.

13.214.2. Output Quantities

The following sections describe the output quantities from the COMBI214 element: Output for User-Input Characteristics (KEYOPT(1) = 0)

The stretch is computed as:




u', v', w' = displacements in nodal Cartesian coordinates (UX, UY, UZ)

The static forces are computed as:



Finally, if a nonlinear transient dynamic (ANTYPE,TRANS, with TIMINT,ON) analysis is performed, a damping force is computed:

The damping forces are computed as:




v1, v2 = relative velocities

Relative velocities are computed using Equation 13–323 and Equation 13–324, where the nodal displacements u', v', and w' are replaced with the nodal Newmark velocities. Output for Reynolds Equation Integration (KEYOPT(1) > 0)

The pressure forces are calculated by integration of the pressure on the bearing surface. For more information, see Finite Length Formulation for 2D Elements.