13.213. CPT213 - 2D 8-Node Coupled Pore-Pressure-Thermal Mechanical Solid

Matrix or VectorGeometryShape FunctionsIntegration Points
Stiffness and Stress Stiffness MatricesQuadEquation 11–137 and Equation 11–1382 x 2
TriangleEquation 11–114 and Equation 11–1153
Mass MatrixQuadSame as stiffness matrix3 x 3
Pressure and Temperature Load VectorSame as stiffness matrix, specialized to the edge2
Flow Load VectorLinear across each edge2
Load TypeDistribution
Element TemperatureSame as shape functions across element, constant thru thickness or around circumference
Nodal TemperatureSame as element temperature distribution
Surface Pressure LoadLinear along each edge
Flow and heat fluxLinear along each edge

Reference: Zienkiewicz(39)

13.213.1. Other Applicable Sections

General Element Formulations gives the general element formulations used by this element.

13.213.2. Assumptions and Restrictions

A dropped midside node implies that the edge is and remains straight.