13.132. SHELL132 - 8-Node Layered Thermal Shell

Matrix or VectorGeometryLayer Shape FunctionsLayer Integration Points
Conductivity Matrix, Heat Generation Load Vector, Specific Heat Matrix and Convection Surface Matrix and Load Vector3 unknowns per node per layer (KEYOPT(3) = 0)In-Plane Equation 11–86

Quad: 3 x 3
Triangle: 3

Thru ThicknessEquation 11–252
2 unknowns per node per layer (KEYOPT(3) = 1)In-PlaneEquation 11–86

Quad: 3 x 3
Triangle: 3

Thru ThicknessEquation 11–131
1 unknown per node per layer (KEYOPT(3) = 2)In-Plane Equation 11–86

Quad: 3 x 3
Triangle: 3

Thru ThicknessConstant1

13.132.1. Other Applicable Sections

Heat Flow describes the derivation of the thermal element matrices and load vectors as well as heat flux evaluations.