23.8. Recommendations

To perform a similar analysis for a slender composite structure, consider the following hints and recommendations:

  • When applicable, use current-technology beam elements (such as BEAM188) to achieve better computational efficiency and to simplify model creation and modification. Verify that all modeling requirements, such as slenderness ratio and material orientation, are satisfied.

  • Use the meshed beam-section subtype (SECTYPE,,BEAM,MESH) and/or the tapered-beam section type (SECTYPE,,TAPER) for modeling structures with complex section geometry and profiles.

  • Select higher-order interpolation options in BEAM188 if nonuniform deformation along the length is expected. Because higher-order interpolation options introduce invisible internal elements nodes, however, carefully inspect boundary conditions and loading to avoid inconsistency.

  • Select the nonaveraged results file format for proper postprocessing of the simulation results.