36.9. References

The following reference works are cited in this example problem:

  1. Dharmawan, F., Thomson, R. S., Li, H., Herszberg, I., & Gellert, E. (2004). Geometry and damage effects in a composite marine T-Joint. Composite Structures 66:181-187.

  2. Dharmawan, F. (2008). Structural integrity and damage tolerance of composite T-Joints in naval vessels. Ph.D. Thesis. School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, RMIT University: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

  3. Chen, J., Ravey, E. (2009). Prediction of delamination in braided composite T-Piece specimens. Journal of Composites Science and Technology. 69:2363-2367.

  4. DiBella, G. & Borsellino, C. (2010). Experimental and numerical study of composite T-Joints for marine applications. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 30:347-358.