40.4. Recommendations

To perform similar types of analyses involving SMAs, consider the following:

  • The stiffness of the material model is generally unsymmetrical, but a symmetric matrix is used in the solution by default. If convergence difficulty occurs during the solution, specify the unsymmetric solver option (NROPT,UNSYM).

  • SMA phase transformation involves a transformation stage and the saturated transformation. Because convergence is more difficult to achieve during the transformation stage, break the transformation loadstep up into smaller ones and use smaller time steps.

  • The superelasticity option (TBOPT = SUPE) of the material model (TB,SMA) supports only 3D, plane strain, and axisymmetric stress states. The memory option (TBOPT = MEFF) of the material model supports most of the stress states including beam, shell, plane strain, axisymmetric, and 3D stress states. The LINK180 element is not supported for either material option.