69.7. Results and Discussion

The entire solution concludes in 14.1 hours with 32 processors (Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7-8867 v3). The results show 123 cycles jumped, about 49 percent of the total number of cycles. The solution using the cycle-jump method is compared against the results from a full solution (without cycle-jump).

The final damage of the solder joint shows that the peak value and distribution of the final damage of the solder joint of the cycle-jump solution match those from the full simulation:

Figure 69.5: Final Damage Parameter of the Solder Joint

Final Damage Parameter of the Solder Joint

The same applies for the final equivalent stresses:

Figure 69.6: Final Equivalent Stresses (Pa) of the Solder Joint

Final Equivalent Stresses (Pa) of the Solder Joint

The maximum value of accumulated plastic strain with jump exhibits less than a 1 percent difference from the full solution:

Figure 69.7: Final Accumulated Plastic Strains of the Solder Joint

Final Accumulated Plastic Strains of the Solder Joint

The damage of element 7438 over time shows that the damage from the cycle-jump solution is identical to that of the full solution:

Figure 69.8: Time History of Element 7438 Damage

Time History of Element 7438 Damage

After accelerating of the solder-joint fatigue analysis via the cycle-jump method, the results obtained (damage, equivalent stress, and accumulated plastic strain) are remarkably close to those obtained from the full solution (without cycle-jump), yet the total computational time is approximately half that of the full solution:

Table 69.1: Comparison of Cycle-Jump Solution With Full Solution

Solution Computation Time (Hours)Running CyclesFinal Maximum DamageFinal Maximum Von Mises S (MPa)

Final Maximum Accumulated Plastic Strain
