27.7. Results and Discussion

The following figure shows the deformation plot (USUM) of the initial run at the last converged substep (TIME = .7718).

Figure 27.13: USUM Plots: Initial Run at Last Converged Substep

USUM Plots: Initial Run at Last Converged Substep

Following the successful rezoning, the following figure shows the deformation plot (USUM) of the model after building up the rolling process (at the end of the first load step):

Figure 27.14: USUM Plots: After Building Up the Rolling Process

USUM Plots: After Building Up the Rolling Process

The hot-rolling process is performed in the second load step by rotating the rollers and using high-friction contact between the rollers and the billet. The following figure shows the deformation plot (USUM) of the model at the end of the second load step:

Figure 27.15: USUM Plots: End of Analysis (After Second Load Step)

USUM Plots: End of Analysis (After Second Load Step)

To view the full-model results, two symmetric expansions (/EXPAND) are performed.

Example 27.9: Performing the Symmetric Expansion

! Create local Cartesian coordinate system (using three nodes) 
!   on the YZ symmetry plane of the block
! Perform symmetric expansion
/EXPAND,1,LRECT,HALF,,.000001,,1,LRECT,HALF,,,.000001, ,RECT,FULL  

The following figure shows the deformation plot in the fully expanded model, where the rectangular block becomes an I-shaped beam:

Figure 27.16: USUM Plot of Full Model after Symmetry Expansion

USUM Plot of Full Model after Symmetry Expansion

The following figure shows the variation of the X component of the moment along with the time for the top roller:

Figure 27.17: Variation of the Moment (Mx) of the Top Roller

Variation of the Moment (Mx) of the Top Roller

The plot suggests that rolling moment varies little from TIME = 1.25s to TIME = 1.6. The hot-rolling process during this time range can be considered to be steady state.

Similarly, the following figure shows the variation of the force components of the top roller:

Figure 27.18: Variation of the Reaction Forces of the Top Roller

Variation of the Reaction Forces of the Top Roller

The plot also shows that forces vary little from TIME = 1.25 to TIME = 1.6s. As expected from the top roller, the Y component of the force (that is, the downward force) is dominant in the rolling process.

The following figure shows the equivalent plastic strain plot in the fully expanded model:

Figure 27.19: Equivalent Plastic Strain Plot in the Full Expanded Model

Equivalent Plastic Strain Plot in the Full Expanded Model

As expected, the high plastic strain region is observed at the location where the web and flange components of the I-beam are connected.

For some duration in the rolling process, the plastic strain varies little over time in the high plastic strain region. This behavior occurs during the steady-state (rolling) phase of the simulation.

27.7.1. Deformation Animations

The following animations show the deformations occurring in the hot-rolling problem:

    Figure 27.20: Deformation (USUM) in the Initial Run

    Deformation (USUM) in the Initial Run

    Figure 27.21: Deformation (USUM) After Rezoning

    Deformation (USUM) After Rezoning

    Figure 27.22: Deformation (USUM) After Rezoning in the Expanded Model

    Deformation (USUM) After Rezoning in the Expanded Model