12.10. Input Files

The following files were used in this problem:

BM3 Model Input

  • BM3model.dat -- Input file for modeling the BM3 nuclear piping system.

  • 1D_time_history -- Acceleration time history data for X-direction input motion.

  • 3D_time_history -- Acceleration time history data for 3-direction input motion.

X-Direction Input

  • Response_Spectrum_Analysis A5.dat -- Input file for performing the response-spectrum analysis A5 on the BM3 model.

  • Full_Transient_Analysis1.dat -- Input file for performing the full-transient analysis on the BM3 model.

3D (X,Y,Z) Input

  • Response_Spectrum_Analysis A7.dat -- Input file for performing the response-spectrum analysis A7 on the BM3 model.

  • Full_Transient_Analysis2.dat -- Input file for performing the full-transient analysis on the BM3 model.