48.6. Analysis and Solution Controls

A nonlinear static analysis is performed using the initial Newton-Raphson option.

The in situ stress state is calculated using a single substep.

The active and passive pressure-state loads are applied via 10 initial and 100 maximum substeps with automatic time-stepping enabled.

48.6.1. Defining the Initial Stress State

Calculating the in situ stress state in the first load step results in vertical displacements:

Figure 48.2: Vertical Displacement for Gravity Load Step (Initial Stresses Not Applied)

Vertical Displacement for Gravity Load Step (Initial Stresses Not Applied)

Generally, the soil exists in an already consolidated state. Initial displacements due to at-rest loads are therefore unnatural and should be minimized.

The vertical stress state varies linearly with the depth of the soil, expressed as:


= soil density
= gravitational acceleration
= vertical height of eachelement

The coefficient of lateral earth pressure is the ratio of horizontal to vertical stress components. For a horizontally retained non-overconsolidated soil under elastic loading conditions, it is defined (via Poisson’s ratio ) as:

so that the horizontal stress components can be calculated as:[2]

The known stress state is directly applied during solution (INISTATE,DEFINE).

The following figure shows that the initial at-rest pressure state is correctly applied, while the soil structure retains its initial shape:

Figure 48.3: Vertical Displacement for Gravity Load Step (Initial Stresses Applied)

Vertical Displacement for Gravity Load Step (Initial Stresses Applied) Dealing with Difficult Initial Stress-State Cases

For more difficult cases involving curved retaining walls or complex outside loadings, for example, a different approach is necessary for defining the initial stress state:

  1. Determine the initial stress state via a standard finite element calculation.

  2. Write the results to an .ist file.

  3. Recalculate the initial state using the initial calculation results in the .ist file.

Example 48.1: Recalculating Initial Stress State Using Results from a Prior Calculation

/solu    ! Enter the solution processor


! Write stresses to .ist file at solution

! Solve the first load step and finish the solution processor

/solu    ! Enter the solution processor again



! Activate the restart option for use in the active/passive pressure load steps

! Read the previously calculated stress state from .ist file

! Ensure that the initial configuration is applied in one substep 

! Solve the first load step again and finish the solution processor

48.6.2. Calculating the Active and Passive Stress States

After the structure has been correctly initialized via the gravitational load step, all subsequent loadings can be applied.

Both the active and passive pressure-state conditions are generated via a multiframe restart (ANTYPE,,RESTART) of the initial in situ stress step.

Example 48.2: Calculating Active and Passive Stress States

/solu ! Enter the solution processor

! Specify a restart at the last substep of the first load step

! Solve the second load step and finish the solution processor