32.10. Input Files

The following files were used in this problem:

  • acl_tension.dat -- Input file for the analysis of the ACL under uniaxial tension loading.

  • acl_tension.cdb -- Database file for the finite-element model of the ACL under uniaxial tension (called by acl_tension.dat).

  • acl_flexion.dat -- Input file for the analysis of the ACL under flexion.

  • acl_flexion.cdb -- Database file for the finite-element model of the ACL under flexion (called by acl_ flexion.dat).

  • acl_rotation.dat -- Input file for the analysis of the ACL under rotation.

  • acl_rotation.cdb -- Database file for the finite-element model of the ACL under rotation (called by acl_ rotation.dat).