4.7. Multiple Remeshings with NLAD-ETCHG

The NLAD-ETCHG process typically adheres to the guidelines described in Multiple Remeshings with Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity. The structure of the .rmsh remesh monitor file has an additional record, as shown:

Example 4.6: NLAD-ETCHG Remesh Monitor File Format

The REMESH REASON section in a NLAD-ETCHG .rmsh file has an additional option (5 - Element Type Change), indicating the mechanistic remeshing of a component with hex-dom elements (SOLID185 or SOLID186) to higher-order tetrahedral elements (SOLID187). In the example, one such component exists and NLAD-ETCHG has successfully remeshed the hex-dom elements in the component to tetrahedral elements in (load step = 5, substep = 75). The resulting tetrahedral mesh has been successfully remeshed again via standard nonlinear mesh adaptivity (load step = 6, substep = 4) by the same remeshing criteria.