2.10. Multiple Remeshings with Nonlinear Mesh Adaptivity

Nonlinear adaptivity supports unlimited remeshing in a given analysis. When a remesh occurs, the new geometry is stored in a new .rdnn database file (where nn = 01 to 99).

If more than 99 remeshings occur, the newer .rdnn files overwrite the oldest beginning from .rd01, saving storage space and enabling you to perform a restart from more recent successful substeps.

The .rmsh remesh monitor file provides an overview of the remeshing behavior during a nonlinear adaptivity analysis.

Example 2.6: Remesh Monitor File

    NUM             STEP    STEP   NUM    REASON
     1         1         1        2    -1       1
     2         2         1        3    -1       2
     3                   1       13             1      
     4         3         1       14     1       3
     5         4         2        5    -1       1
     6         5         2       11     2       1 
     7         6         2       25    -1       1
     8         7         2       42     3       3

The columns in the .rmsh file offer the following information:


Number of remeshing attempts (eight in the example).


Indicates whether or not the given remeshing attempt was successful. The number shown represents cumulative successes (seven in this case). A blank indicates an unsuccessful remeshing attempt (number 3 in the example).


The load step number at which the remeshing attempt occurred.


The substep number at which the remeshing attempt occurred.


The .rdnn file identifier.

A positive integer indicates that a file was created. A -1 indicates that no file was created. The example shows that:

  • In load step 1, the .rd01 file was created at substep 14.

  • In load step 2, two files were created: .rd02 at substep 11, and .rd03 at substep 42.

For more information about how the .rdnn file is written, see RESCONTROL.


The reason for which the remeshing attempt occurred:

1 – Remeshing due to mesh distortion
2 – Remeshing for mesh refinement
3 – Remeshing for reasons 1 and 2
4 – Remeshing by splitting
5 – Remeshing a hexagonal element (SOLID185 or SOLID186) to a tetrahedral element (SOLID187) mesh
6 – Remeshing for mesh coarsening
7 – Remeshing for reasons 6 and 2
8 – Remeshing for reasons 6 and 1
9 – Remeshing for reasons 6, 1, and 2
10 – Remeshing due to element removal

You can control how frequently your analysis writes .rdnn files (RESCONTROL).