3.5. The Results Coordinate System

Results data are calculated during solution and consist of displacements (UX, UY, ROTX, etc.), gradients (TGX, TGY, etc.), stresses (SX, SY, SZ, etc.), strains (EPPLX, EPPLXY, etc.), etc. These data are stored in the database and on the results file in either the nodal coordinate system (for the primary, or nodal data) or the element coordinate system (for the derived, or element data). However, results data are generally rotated into the active results coordinate system (which is by default the global Cartesian system) for displays, listings, and element table data storage (ETABLE].

You can change the active results coordinate system to another system (such as the global cylindrical system or a local coordinate system), or to the coordinate systems used during solution (that is, the nodal and element coordinate systems)to delet. If you then list, display, or operate on the results data, they are rotated to this results coordinate system first. Use the RSYS command to change the results coordinate system.

See The General Postprocessor (POST1) in the Basic Analysis Guide for details on rotating results to a different coordinate system for postprocessing.