4.22. Contact Surface Wear

Contact surface wear can be simulated by defining a wear model (TB,WEAR) as a material assigned to contact elements. Two options are available: the Archard wear model and a user-defined wear model (the USERWEAR subroutine). These two options are discussed below. For additional information, see Contact Surface Wear in the Contact Technology Guide.

4.22.1. Archard Wear Model

The Archard wear model defines the rate of wear as a function of contact pressure, sliding velocity, and material hardness. If a wear direction is not specified, the default direction of wear is opposite to the contact normal.

The Archard model is defined by the TB,WEAR command with TBOPT = ARCD. The material constants required by the model are specified as data items C1 through C4 on the TBDATA command. You can also specify the wear direction (C6 to C8) if desired.

C1Wear coefficient, K
C2Material hardness, H
C3Pressure exponent, m
C4Velocity exponent, n
C5Optional flag to control how the wear increment is calculated (see below)
C6Direction cosine nx (with respect to the global X axis) for the wear direction
C7Direction cosine ny (with respect to the global Y axis) for the wear direction
C8Direction cosine nz (with respect to the global Z axis) for the wear direction

The fifth constant, C5, can be used to specify additional controls:

  • Set C5 to 1 to base the wear calculation on nodal stresses. The nodal stresses of the solid element underlying the contact element are used to calculate traction along the contact normal direction. The traction value is used instead of contact pressure to calculate the amount of wear.

  • Set C5 to 10 or 11 to average the wear increment over the contact area of the contact pair. Use C5 = 10 to base the wear calculation on contact pressure; use C5 = 11 to base the wear calculation on nodal stress.

  • Set C5 to -99 to calculate wear for postprocessing purposes only. The Archard model is used to calculate the wear, but the contact nodes are not moved; thus wear is just a postprocessing variable and does not affect the solution.

Use the TBFIELD command to define the constants as a function of temperature and/or time. A sample input with constants as a function of time is shown below:

TB,WEAR,1,,,ARCD   ! Activate Archard wear model
TBFIELD,TIME,0     ! Define the first value of time
TBDATA,1,K,H,m,n   ! Define wear material constants for the first value of time
TBFIELD,TIME,1     ! Define the second value of time
TBDATA,1,K,H,m,n   ! Define wear material constants for the second value of time

Alternatively, you can use the TBTEMP command to define the constants as a function of temperature alone. A sample input is shown below:

TB,WEAR,1,,,ARCD   ! Activate Archard wear model
TBTEMP,100         ! Define the first value of temperature
TBDATA,1,K,H,m,n   ! Define wear material constants for the first value of temperature
TBTEMP,200         ! Define the second value of temperature
TBDATA,1,K,H,m,n   ! Define wear material constants for the second value of temperature

4.22.2. User-Defined Wear Model

As an alternative to the Archard wear model, you can define your own wear model via the user-programmable subroutine, USERWEAR. This subroutine allows you to define the increment of wear for a substep. The default wear direction is opposite to the contact normal. However, you can redefine it inside of USERWEAR.

The user-defined wear model is activated by the TB,WEAR command with TBOPT = USER. A sample command input is shown below:

TB,WEAR,1,,4,USER     ! Activate user defined wear model that requires 4 (NPTS = 4) constants
TBDATA,1,C1,C2,C3,C4  ! Define the wear model constants

4.22.3. Scaling of Wear Increment

To speed up the wear simulation, use TB,WEAR with TBOPT = AUTS or TBOPT = CBCS to automatically scale the wear increment calculated by the specified Archard wear model or user-defined wear model (TB,WEAR with TBOPT = ARCD or USER).

Below is a sample command input for automatic scaling:

TB,WEAR,MATID,,,AUTS    ! Activate automatic scaling of wear increment
TBDATA,STLOC,C1,C2      ! Define wear scaling factor and max. scaling factor

Below is sample command input for cycle by cycle scaling:

TB,WEAR,MATID,,,CBCS    ! Activate cycle by cycle scaling of wear increment
TBDATA,STLOC,C1,C2      ! Define wear scaling factor and max. scaling factor

Use TBDATA to define the constants listed below. If not specified, the default values are used.

C1Factor of safety for wear scaling (< 1)0.1
C2Maximum wear scale factor1x105