3.1. Nonlinear Elements Supported in an HBM Analysis

The supported nonlinear elements are listed here, followed by tables detailing supported options for each element. Any combination of these HBM supported nonlinear elements can be used to build the nonlinear part of the model.

Table 3.1: Supported Options for Nonlinear Spring Element COMBIN39

KEYOPTION / Real constantDetails
Real Constants

D1, F1, D2, F2, D3, F3, D4, F4, ..., D250, F250

D value for the nth point on force-deflection curve

F value for the nth point on force-deflection curve


Unloading Path

KEYOPT(1) = 0 - Unload along same loading curve

Element behavior under compressive load

KEYOPT(2) = 0 - Compressive loading follows defined compressive curve (or reflected tensile curve if not defined)

Element degrees of freedom (1D) (KEYOPT(4) overrides KEYOPT(3))

KEYOPT(3) = 0,1 - UX (Displacement along nodal X axes)

KEYOPT(3) = 2 - UY (Displacement along nodal Y axes)

KEYOPT(3) = 3 - UZ (Displacement along nodal Z axes)

KEYOPT(3) = 4 - ROTX (Rotation about nodal X axes)

KEYOPT(3) = 5 - ROTY (Rotation about nodal Y axes)

KEYOPT(3) = 6 - ROTZ (Rotation about nodal Z axes)


Element degrees of freedom (2D or 3D)

KEYOPT(4) = 0 - Use any KEYOPT(3) option

KEYOPT(4) = 1 - 3D longitudinal element (UX, UY and UZ)

KEYOPT(4) = 2 - 3D torsional element (ROTX, ROTY and ROTZ)

KEYOPT(4) = 3 - 2D longitudinal element. (UX and UY) Element must lie in an X-Y plane

Table 3.2: Supported Options for Combination Element COMBIN40

KEYOPTION / Real constantDescription
Real Constants[a]K1 - Spring constant

C - Damping coefficient

GAP - Gap size


Gap behavior

KEYOPT(1) = 0 - Standard gap capability

Element degrees of freedom

KEYOPT(3) = 0, 1 - UX (Displacement along nodal X axes)

KEYOPT(3) = 2 - UY (Displacement along nodal Y axes)

KEYOPT(3) = 3 - UZ (Displacement along nodal Z axes)

[a] The units for real constants depend on the KEYOPT(3) setting. See the COMBIN40 element description for details.

Table 3.3: Supported Options for 3D Node-to-Node Contact Element CONTA178

KEYOPTION / Real constantDescription
Real ConstantsFKN - Normal Stiffness

GAP - Gap size

FKS - Sticking stiffness

NX - Defined gap normal - X component

NY - Defined gap normal - Y component

NZ - Defined gap normal - Z component

CV1 - Damping coefficient

CV2 - Nonlinear damping coefficient


Gap type

KEYOPT(1) = 0 - Unidirectional gap

Contact algorithm

KEYOPT(2) = 1 - Pure penalty method

Gap size

KEYOPT(4) = 0 - Gap size based on real constant GAP + initial node locations

KEYOPT(4) = 1 - Gap size based on real constant GAP (ignore node locations)


Basis for contact normal

KEYOPT(5) = 0 - Node locations or real constants NX, NY, NZ

KEYOPT(5) = 1 - X component of nodal coordinate system (average on two contact nodes)

KEYOPT(5) = 2 - Y component of nodal coordinate system (averaging on two contact nodes)

KEYOPT(5) = 3 - Z component of nodal coordinate system (averaging on two contact nodes)

KEYOPT(5) = 4 - X component of defined element coordinate system (ESYS)

KEYOPT(5) = 5 - Y component of defined element coordinate system (ESYS)

KEYOPT(5) = 6 - Z component of defined element coordinate system (ESYS)


Selects degrees of freedom

KEYOPT(6) = 0 - UX, UY, UZ

Initial gap step size application

KEYOPT(9) = 0 - Initial gap size is step applied

Behavior of contact surface

KEYOPT(10) = 0 - Standard