~PARAIN, Name, Extension, Path, Entity, FMT, Scale
Transfers a Parasolid file into Mechanical APDL.

CAD Import
Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


The name of a valid Parasolid file. The first character of the file name must be an alphanumeric.


The extension for the file. The default extension is .x_t on a PC or .xmt_txt on a Linux system. Parasolid files are compatible across systems, and do not need to be renamed to be used on another platform.


The path name of the directory in which the file resides, enclosed in single quotes. The default path name is the current working directory.


Entity to be imported:



Solids only, imported as Mechanical APDL volumes (default)



Surfaces only, imported as Mechanical APDL areas.



Wireframe only, imported as Mechanical APDL lines.



All entities. Use this option when the file contains more than one type of entity.


Sets the format in which Mechanical APDL will store the model



Neutral format (default). Defeaturing after import is restricted. Use this option if you need to scale a model to a specific unit of measure (other than meters).



Solid format; this allows defeaturing after import.


Allows scaling for the model



Do not rescale the model; retain the default Parasolid setting of meters (default).



Scale the model if warranted by the model size.

Very small models will be scaled by the factor of 10 or 100 to increase the chance of successful import; the scaling factor used is displayed in the output window and in the .para_log file. Because scaling changes the dimensions of the model, you must apply loads and material properties appropriately. If the model cannot be properly scaled, the analysis may fail.

If you need to scale your model to a specific set of measurements, set FMT = 0, then use either the VLSCALE, ARSCALE or LSSCALE command to select a different unit of measure.


More information on importing Parasolid parts is available in Parasolid in the Connection User's Guide.

Menu Paths
