MAPVAR, Option, MatId, IstrtStress, nTenStress, IstrtStrain, nTenStrain, , IstrtVect, nVect
Defines tensors and vectors in user-defined state variables for rezoning and in 2D to 3D analyses.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on




Define variables for the specified MatId material ID (default).



List the defined variables for the specified MatId material ID.


The material ID for the state variables which you are defining (Option = DEFINE) or listing (Option = LIST).

When Option = LIST, the default value for this argument is ALL (which lists all defined variables). When Option = DEFINE, you must explicitly specify a material ID.


The start position of stress-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer or 0 (meaning no stress-like tensors).


The number of stress-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer (or 0), and all stress-like tensors must be contiguous.


The start position of strain-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer or 0 (meaning no strain-like tensors).


The number of strain-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer (or 0), and all strain-like tensors must be contiguous.


The start position of vectors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer or 0 (meaning no vectors).


The number of vectors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer (or 0), and all vectors must be contiguous.


The MAPVAR command identifies the tensors and vectors in user-defined state variables (TB,STATE) for user-defined materials (TB,USER and UserMat or UserMatTh) or user-defined creep laws (TB,CREEP,,,,100 and UserCreep).

To handle large-rotation effects and to correctly differentiate between tensor- and vector-mapping, specify the start position of specific state variables. For stress-like tensors, the shear components saved as state variables are the tensor component. For strain-like tensors, the shear components saved as state variables are twice the tensor components. Therefore, issue the MAPVAR command to define the stress-like and strain-like tensors individually. The command ensures that user-defined state variables are mapped correctly during rezoning and in 2D to 3D analyses.

In a rezoning operation, MAPVAR must be issued after remeshing (REMESH,FINISH) but before mapping (MAPSOLVE).

Menu Paths

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