17.3. Using One-Step Animation Macros

The following table offers convenient one-step macro alternatives to the basic animation commands:

Table 17.1: Animation Macros

Generate an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape in POST1 ANCNTR Before using, execute a display command that contains deformation, contouring, or both (such as PLNSOL,S,EQV)
Apply a traveling wave animation to graphics data in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis in POST1 ANCYC For more information, see Applying a Traveling Wave Animation to the Cyclic Model in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide
Generate an animated sequence of a cutting plane through a contoured deformed shape in POST1 ANCUT Before using, execute a display command that contains contouring.
Generate a sequential contour animation over a range of results data ANDATA This macro can create an animation sequence based on the last plot action command (such as PLDISP).
Generate an animated sequence of a deformed shape in the POST1 postprocessor ANDSCL Before using, execute a display command that contains deformation (such as PLDISP).
Generate an animated sequence of charged particle motion ANFLOW Before using, execute a command that produces particle trace on an element display (such as PLTRAC).
Generate a time-transient animation of time-harmonic results of the last plot action command (such as PLNSOL,B,SUM). ANHARM The animation converts the complex solution variables (real and imaginary sets) into time varying results over one period.
Generate an animated sequence of an isosurface of contoured deformed shape in POST1 ANISOS Before using, execute a display command that contains contouring.
Generates an animated sequence of a deformed mode shape in POST1 ANMODE Before using, execute a command that contains deformation.
Generate an animated sequence of a contoured deformed shape varying over time in POST1 ANTIME Before using, execute a display command that contains deformation, contouring, or both. Your solution must include time variance.