Archived pipe elements PIPE16 and PIPE18 are described in Part IV: Archived Elements.
*deck,usflex USERDISTRIB subroutine usflex (etype,elem,rvrm,kff,prs,ex, flexi,flexo) c *** primary function: to (re)compute the flexibility factor c for pipe16 and pipe18 c this is accessed by inputting the flexibility factor c as any negative number. c *** secondary functions: none c c *** Notice - This file contains ANSYS Confidential information *** c c *** Copyright ANSYS. All Rights Reserved. c *** ansys, inc. c c typ=int,dp,log,chr,dcp siz=sc,ar(n) intent=in,out,inout c c input arguments: c variable (typ,siz,intent) description c etype (int,sc,in) - pipe element type (16 or 18) c elem (int,sc,in) - element number c rvrm (dp,ar(*),in) - real constants c kff (int,sc,in) - keyopt for flexibility factor c (not used for pipe16) c prs (dp,ar(5),in) - pressures c ex (dp,sc,in) - young's Modulus c flexi (dp,sc,inout) - effective in-plane flexibility factor c flexo (dp,sc,inout) - effective out-of-plane flexibility factor c (not used for pipe16) c c output arguments: c variable (typ,siz,intent) description c flexi (dp,sc,inout) - effective in-plane flexibility factor c flexo (dp,sc,inout) - effective out-of-plane flexibility factor c (not used for pipe16) c