Selects the system of length units to be used in a piping
Units key:
Input units are consistent (no conversions are done) (default).
FTIN or 1
English units (feet A, inch B, fraction of inch C/D). Use A+B+C/D format for PDRAG, BRANCH, RUN, BEND, MITER, REDUCE, VALVE, BELLOW, FLANGE, PSPRNG, and PGAP commands. Precede by "-'' sign for negative coordinates. (Example: 5+6+7/16 for 5 ft. 6-7/16 in., +3 for 3 in., -0+3 for -3 in., +0+9/16 for 9/16 in.).
The two signs should not be consecutive. A, B, C, and D must be integers. Use B+C/D format for PSPEC, PINSUL, and PCORRO commands. (Example: 2 for 2 in., 3+1/2 for 3-1/2 in., +3/8 for 3/8 in.)
Metric units (meter A, centimeter B, fraction of cm C/D). Use as explained for English units. (Example: 5+6+7/10 for 5 m 6-7/10 cm with PDRAG command.)
Selects the system of length units to be used for the piping commands. Mixed length units require a + sign to delimit (or position) the units in the system and are converted to the smallest unit of the system (inches or centimeters) upon input.
This conversion is local only to pure length units of the piping commands listed. Other units and units for other commands must be input to be consistent with the smallest length unit of the system used.