FP, STITM, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6
Defines the fatigue S vs. N and Sm vs. T tables.

POST1: Fatigue
Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Starting item number for entering properties (defaults to 1). If 1, data input in field C1 of this command is entered as the first item in the list; if 7, data input in field C1 of this command is entered as the seventh item in the list; etc. If the item number is negative, C1-C6 are ignored and the item is deleted. If -ALL, the table is erased. Items are as follows (items 41-62 are required only if simplified elastic-plastic code calculations are to be performed):



N1, N2, ... N20



S1, S2, ... S20



T1, T2, ... T10



Sm1, Sm2, ..., Sm10



M (first elastic-plastic material parameter)



N (second elastic-plastic material parameter)

C1, C2, C3, . . . , C6

Data inserted into six locations starting with STITM. If a value is already in one of these locations, it will be redefined. A blank retains the previous value.


Defines the fatigue alternating stress (S) vs. cycles (N) table and the design stress-intensity value (Sm) vs. temperature (T) table. Can also be used to modify any previously stored property tables. Log-log interpolation is used in the S vs. N table and linear interpolation is used in the Sm vs. T table. Cycles and temperatures must be input in ascending order; S and Sm values in descending order. Table values must be supplied in pairs, that is, every N entry must have a corresponding S entry, etc. Not all property pairs per curve need be used. If no S vs. N table is defined, the fatigue evaluation will not produce usage factor results.