Specifies the creep criterion for automatic time stepping.

SOLUTION: Nonlinear Options
Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on


Value of creep criteria for the creep limit ratio control.


Type of creep analysis for which the creep limit ratio is specified:

1 (or ON)


Implicit creep analysis.

0 (or OFF)


Explicit creep analysis.

Command Default

For implicit creep (Option = 1), CRCR defaults to zero (that is, no creep limit control). For explicit creep (Option = 0), CRCR defaults to 0.1


The CUTCONTROL command can also be used to set the creep criterion and is preferred over this command for setting automatic time step controls.

The creep ratio control can be used at the same time for implicit creep and explicit creep analyses. For implicit creep (Option = 1), the default value of CRCR is zero (that is, no creep limit control), and you can specify any value. For explicit creep (Option = 0), the default value of CRCR is 0.1, and the maximum value allowed is 0.25.

This command is also valid in PREP7.

Menu Paths

Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Creep Criterion
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Creep Criterion