Typically, four steps are followed when using APDL Math.
Create the matrices.
Matrices and vectors can be created by one of the following methods:
Generate matrices and vectors directly using APDL (*DIM, *SET, etc.).
Mechanical APDL generates the matrices and vectors for you. These may come from a prior solution or may have been generated using the WRFULL command. The matrices are obtained from the .full, .emat, .sub, .mode or .rst files.
Use external sources provided in Harwell-Boeing or Matrix Market format.
Read the matrices into APDL Math.
Once the files are available, you may import them into APDL Math using *DMAT for dense matrices, *SMAT for sparse matrices, and *VEC for vectors.
Manipulate the matrices.
You can use the linear matrix operators *MULT and *AXPY to combine specified matrices and, thus, create other matrices. You may also modify the contents of matrices directly by using APDL expressions; for example, "A(3,2)=6.4".
Additionally, you can use these steps to modify the matrices using standard APDL operations:
Use the matrices.
The modified matrices may be used in standard Mechanical APDL solutions, solved in APDL Math, or exported for use in an external application, as follows.