*MULT, M1, T1, M2, T2, M3
Performs the matrix multiplication M3 = M1(T1)*M2(T2).

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


Name of matrix M1. Must have been previously specified by a *DMAT or *SMAT command.


Transpose key. Set T1 = TRANS to use the non-conjugate transpose of M1. Set T1 = CTRANS to use the conjugate transpose of M1. CTRANS is only applicable when the M1 matrix is complex. If blank, transpose will not be used.


Name of matrix M2. Must have been previously specified by a *DMAT command.


Transpose key. Set T2 = TRANS to use the non-conjugate transpose of M2. Set T2 = CTRANS to use the conjugate transpose of M2. CTRANS is only applicable when the M2 matrix is complex. If blank, transpose will not be used.


Name of resulting matrix, M3. Must be specified.


The matrices must be dimensionally consistent such that the number of columns of M1 (or the transposed matrix, if requested) is equal to the number of rows of M2 (or the transposed matrix, if requested).

You cannot multiply two sparse matrices with this command (that is, M1 and M2 cannot both be sparse). The resulting matrix, M3, will always be a dense matrix, no matter what combination of input matrices is used (dense*sparse, sparse*dense, or dense*dense).

Menu Paths

This command cannot be accessed from a menu.