*MOPER, ParR, Par1, Oper, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5, Val6
Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.

Valid Products: Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on

Argument Descriptions


The name of the resulting array parameter matrix. See *SET for name restrictions.


First array parameter matrix input to the operation.


Matrix operations. Usage of the Val1 through Val6 arguments varies for each operation, as described below:


(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, INVERT)

Square matrix invert: Inverts the n x n matrix in Par1 into ParR. The matrix must be well conditioned.

Warning:  Non-independent or ill-conditioned equations can cause erroneous results.

For large matrices, use the APDL Math operation *LSFACTOR for efficiency (see APDL Math).

MULT -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, MULT, Par2)

Matrix multiply: Multiplies Par1 by Par2. The number of rows of Par2 must equal the number of columns of Par1 for the operation. If Par2 is input with a number of rows greater than the number of columns of Par1, matrices are still multiplied. However, the operation only uses a number of rows of Par2 equal to the number of columns of Par1.


(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, COVAR, Par2)

Covariance: The measure of association between columns of the Par1 input matrix. Par1 of size m runs (rows) by n data (columns) is first processed to produce a row vector containing the mean of each column, which is transposed to the output column vector Par2 of n array elements. The Par1 and Par2 operation then produces ParR, a resulting n x n matrix of covariances (with the variances as the diagonal terms).

CORR -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, CORR, Par2)

Correlation: The correlation coefficient between columns of the Par1 input matrix. Par1 of size m runs (rows) by n data (columns) is first processed to produce a row vector containing the mean of each column, which is then transposed to the output column vector Par2 of n array elements. The Par1 and Par2 operation then produces ParR, a resulting n x n matrix of correlation coefficients (with a value of 1.0 for the diagonal terms).

SOLV -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, SOLV, Par2)

Solution of simultaneous equations: Solves the set of n equations of n terms of the form an1x1 + an2x2 + ... + annxn = bn where Par1 contains the matrix of a-coefficients, Par2 contains the vector(s) of b-values, and ParR contains the vector(s) of x-results. Par1 must be a square matrix. The equations must be linear, independent, and well conditioned.

Warning:  Non-independent or ill-conditioned equations can cause erroneous results.

For large matrices, use the APDL Math operation *LSFACTOR for efficiency (see APDL Math).

SORT -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, SORT, Par2, n1, n2, n3)

Matrix sort: Sorts the columns of matrix Par1 according to sort vector Par2 and places the result back into Par1. Rows of Par1 are moved to the corresponding positions indicated by the values of Par2. Par2 may be a column of Par1 (in which case it will also be reordered). Alternatively, you may specify the column of Par1 to sort using n1 (leaving Par2 blank). A secondary sort can be specified by column n2, and a third sort using column n3. ParR is the vector of initial row positions (the permutation vector). Sorting Par1 according to ParR should reproduce the initial ordering.

NNEAR  -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, NNEAR, Toler)

Nearest Node: Finds the nodes nearest to the given set of points in Par1, where Par1 is an n x 3 array of coordinate locations. ParR is a vector of the nearest selected nodes, or 0 if no nodes are nearer than Toler. Toler defaults to 1 and is limited to the maximum model size.

ENEAR  -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, ENEAR, Toler)

Nearest Element: Finds the elements nearest to the given set of points in Par1, where Par1 is an n x 3 array of coordinate locations. ParR is a vector of the nearest selected elements, or 0 if no element centroids are nearer than Toler. Toler defaults to 1 and is limited to the maximum model size.

MAP  -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, MAP, Par2, Par3, kDim, --, kOut, LIMIT)

Maps the results from one set of points to another. For example, you can map pressures from a CFD analysis onto your model for a structural analysis.

Par1 is the Nout x 3 array of points that will be mapped to. Par2 is the Nin x M array that contains M values of data to be interpolated at each point and corresponds to the Nin x 3 points in Par3. The resulting ParR is the Nout x M array of mapped data points.

For each point in the destination mesh, all possible triangles in the source mesh are searched to find the best triangle containing each point. It then does a linear interpolation inside this triangle. You should carefully specify your interpolation method and search criteria in order to provide faster and more accurate results (see LIMIT, below).

kDim is the interpolation criteria. If kDim = 2 or 0, two dimensional interpolation is applied (interpolate on a surface). If kDim = 3, three dimensional interpolation is applied (interpolate on a volume).

kOut specified how points outside of the domain are handled. If kOut = 0, use the value(s) of the nearest region point for points outside of the region. If kOut = 1, set results outside of the region to zero.

LIMIT specifies the number of nearby points considered for interpolation. The default is 20, and the minimum is 5. Lower values will reduce processing time; however, some distorted or irregular sets of points will require a higher LIMIT value to encounter three nodes for triangulation.

Output points are incorrect if they are not within the domain (area or volume) defined by the specified input points. Also, calculations for out-of-bound points require much more processing time than do points that are within bounds. Results mapping is available from the command line only.

INTP  -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, INTP, Par2)

Finds the elements that contain each point in the array of n x 3 points in Par1. Par2 will contain the set of element ID numbers and ParR will contain their n x 3 set of natural element coordinates (values between -1 and 1). Par1 must be in global Cartesian coordinates.

SGET -- 

(*MOPER, ParR, Par1, SGET, Par2, Label, Comp)

Gets the nodal solution item corresponding to Label and Comp (see the PLNSOL command) and interpolates it to the given element locations. Par1 contains the n x 3 array of natural element coordinates (values between -1 and 1) of the n element ID numbers in Par2. Par1 and Par2 are usually the output of the *MOPER,,,INTP operation. ParR contains the n interpolated results.

Val1, Val2, ..., Val6

Additional input used in the operation. The meanings of Val1 through Val6 vary depending on the specified matrix operation. See the description of Oper for details.


Each starting array element number must be defined for each array parameter matrix if it does not start at the first location. For example, *MOPER,A(2,3),B(1,4),MULT,C(1,5) multiplies submatrix B (starting at element (1,4)) by submatrix C (starting at element (1,5)) and puts the result in matrix A (starting at element (2,3)).

The diagonal corner elements for each submatrix must be defined: the upper left corner by the array starting element (on this command), the lower right corner by the current values from the *VCOL and *VLEN commands. The default values are the (1,1) element and the last element in the matrix. No operations progress across matrix planes (in the 3rd dimension). Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to all parameters (*VABS, *VFACT). Results may be cumulative (*VCUM). Array elements should not be skipped with the *VMASK and the NINC value of the *VLEN specifications. See the *VOPER command for details.

This command is valid in any processor.

Menu Paths

Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Matrix Operations