1.2.1. Material Configuration File

The material configuration file contains information on mechanical properties, constant thermal properties, and other parameters used in Additive Science. This file is read as part of the input when running any simulation, but not every setting is used in every simulation.

Settings in the material configuration file are defined in the following table.

Setting Definition Units Value
nameName for the material. Must be unique.-
descriptionAdditional comments (optional)- 
coreVersionVersion of the current material configuration file. This can be changed when updating new versions of the same material.-
solidThermalConductivityAtRoomTemperatureThermal conductivity of bulk material at room temperature (298 K)W/m/K
solidDensityAtRoomTemperatureDensity of bulk material at room temperature (298 K) kg/m^3
solidSpecificHeatAtRoomTemperatureSpecific heat of bulk material at room temperature (298 K)J/kg/K
purgingGasConvectionCoefficientConvection coefficient between the solid and gas during processingW/(m^2*K)12.5
solidusTemperatureMaximum temperature at which the material is completely solidK
liquidusTemperatureMinimum temperature at which the material is completely liquidK
vaporizationTemperatureTemperature at which material has completely changed from liquid to vapor K
thermalExpansionCoefficientCoefficient of thermal expansion.1/K
elasticModulusElastic modulus of build material.Pa
elasticModulusOfBaseElastic modulus of base material.Pa
poissonRatioPoisson ratio-
materialYieldStrengthYield strengthPa
supportYieldStrengthRatioFactor to reduce the yield strength and elastic modulus of support material-
anisotropicStrainCoefficientParallelMultiplier on the predicted strain in the direction that the laser is scanning for the major fill rasters-1.5
anisotropicStrainCoefficientPerpendicularMultiplier on the predicted strain orthogonal to the direction that the laser is scanning for the major fill rasters and in the plane of the surface of the build plate-0.5
anisotropicStrainCoefficientZMultiplier on the predicted strain in the Z direction -1
hardeningFactorFactor relating the elastic modulus to the tangent modulus for plasticity simulations (Tangent Modulus = elasticModulus*hardeningFactor )-
nucleationConstantInterfaceControls the heterogeneous nucleation rate (on existing solid interfaces) during solidification for the microstructure solver 1/m/K^21000
nucleationConstantBulkControls the homogenous nucleation rate (in bulk of the microstructure simulation domain) during solidification for the microstructure solver 1/m^2/K^21000
penetrationDepthPowderCoeffACoefficients used in thermal analyses to control absorptivity and penetration depth. These settings are determined through tuning.-
absorptivityMinimumMinimum fraction of energy absorbed by the melt pool (for example, 0.2 means 20%)Dimensionless fraction0.2 [a]
absorptivityMaximumMaximum fraction of energy absorbed by the melt pool (for example, 0.8 means 80%)Dimensionless fraction0.8 [a]
penetrationDepthMinimumLower limit for penetration depthm2.7E-5 [a]
penetrationDepthMaximumUpper limit for penetration depthm4.1E-4 [a]
powderPackingDensityDensity of powder material relative to the solidDimensionless fraction0.6 [a]
available  True
keyUnique name for the material. Must be 16 characters or fewer, contain no spaces, and can be the same as the "name."-
thermalSimulationApprovedTrue or false flag signifying whether the material can be used for thermal simulations.-True
microstructureSimulationApprovedTrue or false flag signifying whether the material can be used for microstructure simulations.-False

[a] Recommended value

These inputs are laid out in a .json file format with material properties held within the configuration parameter. An example of this file is provided as MaterialConfigurationExample.json. When editing values from the example or creating your own material configuration file, be sure to follow the json format to avoid errors.