4.1. Output Files

Results from your simulation are viewable in Ansys Viewer, or are exportable files (.avz files are Viewer files), or both, as described in the following tables.

Part Output Files Type Description
Solver Voxel Input*.vtk

An output file with a voxelized representation of the part and supports showing voxel densities. This file is output early in the simulation, after voxelization but before solution begins. If you specified automatic supports, the supports in this file are simply a generalized density, not specifically one of the optimized supports. If you imported support .stl files, this file shows your imported supports. You can see how well the part and support geometries are represented by the voxel mesh and to confirm that your supports are aligned correctly to the part.

  • Density: A value between 0 (empty) and 1 (full) for each voxel indicating the material density ratio of the subvoxels after voxelization.

  • State: Either part, support, or interface. Interface state means this voxel belongs to the part but has a support voxel below it.

On-plate Stress/Displacement*.vtk and .avz

Voxelized part with predicted displacements and stresses (and optionally, strains) at the end of the build (that is, end state) while the part is still attached to the baseplate.

  • Displacement in mm: magnitude, x, y, and z components

  • End-state stress in Pa: von Mises, xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx components

  • End-state elastic and plastic strain: xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx components (if Include strain in output files output option is chosen)

  • Max stress during build in Pa: von Mises, and xx, yy, zz in compression & tension for each

  • Blade crash severity (if Detect potential blade crash output option is chosen)

  • High strain severity (if High Strain Areas output option is chosen)

After Cutoff Displacement.vtk and .avz

Voxelized part with predicted displacements after cutoff has occurred (either part and support cutoff or support-only cutoff, depending on the Cutoff Mode option).

  • Displacement in mm: magnitude, x, y, and z components

MAPDL After Cutoff.zipA zipped file containing the results file (.rst) and common database file (.cdb) that can be used in Ansys Mechanical to evaluate the results of the cutoff.
Layerwise .vtk files.vtk (zipped)A series of .vtk files that show voxelized representation of part layer by layer during the build. You will have as many .vtk files as voxel layers in your part, as layerwise files are not written for support-only layers. Use these files to animate the build process. View locations throughout the part of potential blade crashes and high strain areas that may indicate cracks.

For each voxel layer:

  • Displacement in mm: magnitude, x, y, and z components

  • End-state stress in Pa: von Mises, xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx components

  • Blade crash severity (if Detect potential blade crash output option is chosen)

  • High strain severity (if High Strain Areas output option is chosen)

Geometry with Distortion.vtkContains a representation of the original, undistorted part with predicted displacements at the end of the build while part is still attached to the baseplate. The geometry does not include the offset for supports between the baseplate and the part.
  • Displacement in mm: magnitude, x, y, and z components

Geometry with Distortion (after Cutoff).vtkContains a representation of the original, undistorted part with predicted displacements after cutoff has occurred (either part and support cutoff or support-only cutoff, depending on the Cutoff Mode option).
  • Displacement in mm: magnitude, x, y, and z components

Positioned Part.stlInput geometry (non-compensated) positioned into its start location and orientation, that is, offset to account for supports between the baseplate and the part.
Compensated Geometry.stlContains the distortion-compensated 3D surface representation (tessellated triangles) of the part while the part is still attached to the baseplate. The compensated geometry is placed flush with the baseplate surface and does not include the offset for supports between the baseplate and the part.

You may want to use this file as the part geometry for final production builds.

Compensated Geometry (after Cutoff).stlContains the distortion-compensated 3D surface representation (tessellated triangles) of the part after cutoff has occurred (either part and support cutoff or support-only cutoff, depending on the Cutoff Mode option).

You may want to use this file as the part geometry for final production builds.

* = Default output for all strain simulations

Supports Output Files Type Description
Supports Stress/Displacement.vtk and .avzContains the voxelized representation of the support structure with predicted displacements and stresses at the end of the build (that is, end state) while the part is still attached to the baseplate.
  • Displacement in mm: magnitude, x, y, and z components

  • End-state stress in Pa: von Mises, xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx components

  • Max stress during build in Pa: von Mises, and xx, yy, zz in compression and tension for each

View this file together with On-plate stress/displacement to see full build together (part and supports). Note that these are the default uniform supports, not the optimized supports. Recall that stress is not accumulating in the supports until they are affected by the solid part material. See Define Support Options.

Uniform Volumeless Support.stlRepresentation of uniform thin-walled supports used in the finite element simulation before support optimization occurs.

View this file to see areas of the part that need supports based on Minimum Overhang Angle specified on the simulation form. Compares to typical third-party software that generates supports on part areas that meet the overhang minimum.

Optimized Volumeless Support.stlContains optimal volumeless support layout based on predicted stresses and distortions that can be used to minimize risk of support failure.
Optimized Solid Support.stlContains optimal solid support layout based on predicted stresses and distortions that can be used to minimize risk of support failure.
.csv Files Type Description
Potential Blade Crash Locations.csvIncludes locations of all potential and likely blade crashes and the predicted magnitude of the Z displacement at those points. Note that values of zero Z displacement indicate hanging/floating voxels.
  • Global x, y, z coordinates, and total Z displacement in mm

High Strain Regions.csvList of high strain warning areas during the build.
  • Global x, y, z coordinates

Files for Transfer to Ansys Mechanical Type Description

A zipped file containing the four files listed below. For details on how to use these files in Ansys Mechanical, read our additional instructions here.


An output file with mesh, material, and named selection information for the part and supports, if any. The .cdb format is an Ansys-specific coded database file that is used to import an external model into Mechanical.

In Mechanical, named selections allow you to group similar geometry or meshing entities. The following named selections are included in the Model.cdb file and will appear in Mechanical's project tree:

  • BUILD (External Model) – Element information for the part

  • SUPPORT (External Model) – Element information for the supports, if any

  • Constraints (External Model) – The boundary conditions representing the baseplate


Predicted strains at the end of the build (that is, end state) while the part is still attached to the baseplate. This will provide the initial stress state for subsequent processing in Mechanical.

  • End-state elastic and plastic strain tensors (xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx components)

  • Accumulated equivalent plastic strain


An output file of the voxel densities of the part and supports. (These are the same densities as contained in the Solver Voxel Input file.) They are imported into Mechanical as knockdown factors.

  • Density: A value between 0 (empty) and 1 (full) for each voxel indicating the material density ratio of the subvoxels after voxelization.


Predicted displacements at the end of the build (that is, end state) while the part is still attached to the baseplate.

  • Displacement in mm: magnitude, x, y, and z components