2.5.3. Layer by Layer Stress/Distortion

Choose this option for detailed voxel layer-by-voxel layer results to learn insights about the behavior as the part is being built. Results are for the surface of the part, not the interior information. The output consists of a layerwise .zip file containing a series of .vtk files, one for each voxel layer in your part, as layerwise files are not written for support-only layers. Use these files to “animate” the build process. View locations throughout the part of potential blade crashes and high strain areas that may indicate cracks.

The disk space used for this output can get very large. To prevent filling up your disk, or loss of important layer data, consider managing storage using the maximum storage option.

Maximum storage used for layer by layer VTK files (GB)

The cumulative maximum storage for layer by layer .vtk files (before zipping). Once this limit is reached, subsequent .vtk layer files will not be written, however the simulation will continue and output files for other selected outputs will be written, as needed. The default is 20 GB.