
Proximity Filter Factor:

  Alternating: If enabled, the vectors alternate in their exposure direction.

Shift Factor: A factor defining how frequently the total hatch pattern is translated in the Y-direction. A translation does not take place after every layer. A value of three means, for example, that the hatch pattern returns to the original position after three layers. The hatch pattern was therefore translated two times. After two translations, the hatch pattern is congruent with the original hatch pattern. After the fourth layer, it is then translated for a second time.

  Merge: If enabled, vectors with a defined length are grouped together.

  • Minimal Field Size: The minimum size of a field within the hatch pattern. Fields with a smaller size than that defined are merged with a neighboring field.

Filter Length: The minimum length of the hatches. Hatches that are smaller than the defined value are not exposed.

Field Offset: The distance between the individual fields of the hatch pattern

Number Of Vectors: The number of hatch vectors within an individual field of the hatch pattern.

Hatch Distance: The distance between the hatches.

Field Order Strategy: The sequence in which the individual fields of the hatch sample must be exposed. The hatch pattern is fictitiously split into black and white fields, strongly resembling a chess board.

  • ORDER_SPIRAL_OUT: With this method, the fictitious chess board is exposed in a spiral formation from inside outwards. In doing so, all black fields are first exposed in a spiral formation from insider outwards. Only when all black fields have been exposed will the white fields be exposed in a spiral formation from inside outwards.

  • ORDER_LINE_BASED: With this method, the fictitious chess board is exposed row by row from right to left. In doing this, all black fields in the first row are exposed first and then all white. Only when one line of fields have been fully exposed will the neighboring line of fields be exposed. This process is repeated for all lines of fields.

  • ORDER_FIELD_BASED: With this method, the fictitious chess board is exposed by color from right to left. In doing this, all black fields in the first row are exposed first, and then the second row, and then all remaining rows. Only when all black fields have been fully exposed will the white fields be exposed. The procedure for the white fields then corresponds to that for the black fields, namely, the first line is initially exposed from right to left before the second and all remaining lines of fields are exposed.

  • ORDER_SPIRAL_IN: With this method, the fictitious chess board is exposed in a spiral formation from outside inwards. In doing so, all black fields are first exposed in a spiral formation from outside inwards. Only when all black fields have been exposed will the white fields be exposed in a spiral formation from outside inwards.

Hatch Offset: The distance between the innermost border and the outermost hatch.