Searching for an Extension

The Extension Manager provides a Search option for finding a specific extension. The case-insensitive search option looks for all entered strings that are separated by a blank, which serves as the AND operation. The search option performs a combined search for strings separated by the OR operation. You can search by the following items:

Extension name, description, or author

Example 1: Type mydemowizards to return all extensions with this name.

Example 2: Type authorname to return all extensions with author set to authorname.


Example: Type Mechanical to return all extensions with context set to Mechanical.

Extension object type

Example: Type an object type to return all extensions containing at least one object of this type. For instance, type wizard, workflow, or any object for the element simdata, such as load, result, solver, or geometry.

Extension object type and object name separated by a colon

Example: Type load:my_load to return all extensions with a load named my_load.