Accessing Task Group APIs

Workbench task groups are exposed in the interface through Automation API wrappers in the namespace Ansys.ACT.WorkBench.Automation.Workflows. The project data model returns this wrapper type:

taskGroup = ExtAPI.DataModel.TaskGroups[0]

The task group wrapper does not store any local data. All data access and modification occur at member call time.

Note:  When a task group is accessed from an ACT script, an instance of UserTaskGroup is still used. A UserTaskGroupTemplate is now accessible from the property Template. All other task group functionality remains intact.

The following table lists task group APIs.

ITaskGroupNameThe internal task group name.
CaptionThe user-visible task group display text.
TasksThe tasks contained in the task group.
InternalObjectThe task group’s internal object.
TaskGroupTaskIdThe internal Workbench system identifier.
CaptionThe Workbench UI-visible display text (system caption).
AbbreviationThe Workbench system abbreviation.
InternalObjectThe Workbench system.
AnalysisTypeThe Workbench system analysis type.
DirectoryNameThe Workbench system directory name.
PhysicsThe list of Workbench system physics.
SolverThe list of Workbench system solvers.
NotesThe Workbench system notes.
HeaderTextThe Workbench system block title.
IsParametricIndicates whether the Workbench system operates solely on parameters (appears below the Parameter Set bar in the Workbench Project Schematic).
TasksThe list of tasks contained in this task group.
TemplateGets the template from which the task group was created.
GetTaskByName(name)Gets the contained task by the supplied name.
Clean()Clears generated data on all tasks in the task group.
Copy()Creates a new task group containing a copy of all the data in the task group.
Delete()Deletes the task group and all contained data from the project.
Refresh()Refreshes the input data for all tasks in the task group by reading changed data from upstream sources. No calculations or updates based on the new data are performed.
Update()Updates all tasks in the task group by refreshing the input from all upstream sources and then performing local calculation based on the current data.
RecreateDeletedTasks()Recreates new versions of any tasks that have been deleted from the task group.