Accessing Task Group Template APIs

Workbench system task group templates are exposed at the user level through Automation API wrappers in the namespace Ansys.ACT.WorkBench.Automation.Workflows. The project data model returns this wrapper type:

taskGroup = ExtAPI.DataModel.TaskGroups[0]
taskGroupTemplate = taskGroup.Template

The task group template wrapper does not store any local data. All data access and modification occur at member call time.

The following table lists task group APIs.

TaskGroupTemplateNameGets the task group template name.
CategoryGets the toolbox category in which the template appears.
TaskGroupTypeGets the task group type to display in the interface in the header of the task group block.
TaskGroupTypeAbbreviationGets the task group type abbreviation, which is used to create the task group unique directory name and also serves as the task group object’s base name.
DisplayNameGets the user-visible name for the type of task groups created from the template.
ToolboxGroupGets the toolbox group in which the task group template should be displayed.
ImageNameGets the image associated with the task group template.
PhysicsGets the physics associated with the task group template.
AnalysisTypeGets the analysis type associated with the task group template.
TaskGroupHelpIdGets the help ID associated with the task group template.
ToolTipHelpIdGets the help ID associated with the tool tip for the task group.
IsParametricGets a value indicating whether the task group consumes parameters.
SolverGets the solver associated with the task group template.
TaskTemplatesGets the task templates that make up the task group. Tasks are grouped into task groups. For the normal case with no groups, a single-element list is returned.
TaskNamesGets the names of the tasks to create from the templates in TaskTemplates.
ExcludedTaskTemplatesGets a list of task templates that are not permitted to be instantiated in the task group using such commands as InsertComponentBefore or InsertComponentAfter.
RequiredTaskTemplatesGets a list of task templates that cannot be deleted from the task group.
AttributesGets the attributes to apply to the created task group.
PostCreationStepsGets the list of operations to perform after the task group is created.
VisibleGets a value indicating whether the task group should appear in the toolbar.
IsBetaGets a value indicating whether the task group visibility is tied to the beta option.
IsDeletableGets a value indicating whether the task group can be deleted.
InternalObjectGets the internal system template represented by the task group template.