Accessing Task Template APIs

Workbench task templates are exposed through Automation API wrappers in the namespace Ansys.ACT.WorkBench.Automation.Workflows. The project data model returns this wrapper type:

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
template = task.Template

The task template wrapper does not store any local data. All data access and modification occur at member call time.

The following table lists task template APIs.

TaskTemplateNameGets the task template name.
TaskTypeAbbreviationGets the default name for the task.
DisplayNameGets the user-visible name of the task created from the template. If the task group template gives a name for the taskusing the property TaskNames, it takes precedence.
SolverGets the solver type in the task. If specified, this contributes to property Solver for the containing task group.
IsResultsGets a value indicating whether the task represents result data, which is then not duplicated when the DuplicateSystemWithoutResults is invoked.
IsShareableGets a value indicating whether one instance of this type of task can be shared by another task.
IsReplaceableGets a value indicating whether sharing of this type of task can be changed dynamically from sharing to unsharing or vice versa.
IsReplaceableWithSharingGets a value indicating whether sharing of this type of task can be changed dynamically from an independent task to a full-sharing task. This covers one of the two aspects of what IsReplaceable defines.
IsDeletableGets a value indicating whether this type of task and its downstream tasks can be deleted from its task group.
IsPartialShareOnlyGets a value indicating whether this type of task engages in only partial sharing.
DontShareByDefaultGets a value indicating whether this type of task has all connections established as "provides" connections to new systems (instead of sharing).
RequiredInputTypesGets a list of types that are required as inputs for the task to be valid.
OutputTypesGets a list of types that are contained in the task after creation.
EquivalentInptusGets a list of equivalent entity types as inputs for the task.
CreatingCommandNameGets the name of a command that creates the container to be inserted in the task group.
DeletingCommandNameGets the name of a command that is invoked before deleting the container.
UpdateCommandNameGets the name of a command that updates the container's contents based on the upstream containers on which it depends.
DataGroupUpdateCommandNameGets the name of a command that updates the data groups of the task's container.
WillBePendingUponUpdateQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns whether the task goes into the pending state upon update.
WillBeUpdatedViaRsmQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns whether the task is updated via the Ansys Remote Solve Manager (RSM).
RemoteSolvePermissionsQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns whether the task can be part of a design point update via RSM.
EditorInitiatedRemoteUdpateInfoQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns all remote update information for this task that was initiated from within the add-in editor.
RefreshCommandNameGets the name of a command that refreshes the task's inputs from upstream containers.
DataSourceListChangedCommandNameGets the name of a command that handles input source changes for the task.
TaskStatusQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns the status of the task.
DataGroupStatusQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns the status of the data groups of the task's container.
DuplicateTaskCommandNameGets the name of a command that duplicates the entire task content.
DuplicateUserDataCommandNameGets the name of a command that duplicates only the user input data.
AvailableTransferTasksGets the list of available transfer tasks that can be exposed from the task.
ReportContentCreationCommandNameGets the name of a command that provides general report content for the task.
DesignPointReportContentCreationCommandNameGets the name of a command that provides design point report content for the task.
CleanCommandNameGets the name of a command that cleans the container’s heavyweight output data and deletes associated data files.
ResetCommandNameGets the name of a command that resets the container’s internal data.
AboutToResetCommandNameGets the name of a command that prepares to reset the container’s internal data. The task can stop resetting by throwing an exception.
ComponentPropertyDataQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns custom data to show in the task group Properties pane.
CanUseTransferDataQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns whether a user-connection can be established between a transfer task and a data task.
CanDuplicateQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns whether a task created from the template can be duplicated.
DuplicateGroupGets the group within which tasks can potentially be replaced or duplicated.
ComponentImageNameGets the name of the default image to use as the task icon.
ValidationCodesGets the task’s validation codes.
DefaultTransferNameGets the name given to the default outputs of the task if they are offered as part of a transfer selection popup.
IncludeInPartialUpdateGets a value indicating whether to consider the task for a partial update.
RefreshAfterPartialUpdateGets a value indicating whether to refresh the downstream task after a partial update.
ShowOptionToAlwaysBePartOfDpUpdateGets a value indicating whether to give an option to always update the task as part of a design point update.
GetEnvironmentForRsmDpUpdateQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns environment variables set as part of a design point update via RSM.
GetRemoteUpdateMonitorFilesQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns monitor files during a RSM design point update.
SubTasksGets the list of subtasks.
SubTaskStatusQueryNameGets the name of a query that returns subtask states.
IsDisabledGets a value indicating whether the template is a fake template for an orphaned task, where the normal template is not accessible. The task should be shown as disabled and no operations should be available.
InternalObjectGets the internal component template represented by the task template.