Accessing Parameter APIs

Workbench parameter objects are exposed through Automation API wrappers in the namespace Ansys.ACT.WorkBench.Automation.Workflows. These wrappers fully support simple parameter interactions:

task = ExtAPI.DataModel.Tasks[0]
p0 = task.Parameters[0]
value = p0.Value
newValue = value * 2
p0.Value = newValue

The following table lists the parameter APIs.

IWBParameterNameThe parameter name.
CaptionThe parameter display text.
ValueThe parameter value for the current design point.
UsageThe parameter usage.
ParameterNameThe parameter name.
CaptionThe parameter display text.
ValueThe parameter value for the current design point.
UsageThe parameter usage.
InternalObjectThe Workbench parameter data reference.
ParameterUsageInputA parameter whose value is to be used by the data model.
OutputA parameter whose value is either based on an expression or provided directly by the data model.
UnknownThe parameter usage could not be determined.