Edge Sets

Named Selections of connected edges in Mechanical are transferred to ACP as Edge Sets. New Edge Sets can also be defined manually in ACP-Pre:

Figure 2.28: Edge Set Definition

Edge Set Definition

  • Edge Set Type: How the Edge Set is defined:

    • By Reference: Defined the Edge Set using an existing Element Set (activates the following options):

      • Element Set: The Element Set of which the Edge Set is part.

      • Limit Angle: The Edge Set is extended from the origin in both directions until the angle between two elements is bigger than the Limit Angle. If the Limit Angle is set to a negative value, the Edge Set is the whole boundary of the selected Element Set.

      • Origin: Origin to determine the closest boundary.

  • By Reference: An existing Element Set is used to define a new Edge Set through one boundary limited by an angle diffusion.

  • By Nodes: Manually select the nodes to define the Edge Set.