Design the Woven Composite

  1. Start Material Designer from cell B3.

  2. Choose Woven Composite  as RVE Type.

  3. Assign the matrix and yarn material:

  4. Create the Geometry:

    1. Click Geometry .

    2. Set the options as follows:

      Choose a fiber volume fraction of 0.55 and set the Algorithm to Flattened Lenticular (high fiber volume fraction).

      Note:   The Yarn Fiber Volume fraction should agree with the setting of the first Material Designer system.

    3. Click Complete to create the geometry.

    4. The resulting geometry should look like this:

      Note:   We use an RVE where the bisectors between the yarns are the X and Y axis. The reason is that only like this the homogenized material is actually orthotropic with respect to the X and Y axis in the presence of shear. Compare Fabric Fiber Angle

  5. Create a mesh:

    1. Click Mesh .

    2. Set the following options:

    3. Click Complete:

      This results in a mesh like:

  6. Set the analysis settings:

    1. Click Analysis Settings .

    2. Choose the following settings:

  7. Perform an analysis:

    1. Click Constant Material 

    2. Click Complete

    3. Wait for the analysis to complete. This takes a few minutes.

    4. Investigate the results: Select the Results object in the tree.