Configuration Files

Several configuration files are available in Ansys Sound: VR Sound. These allow configuration of the equalization filters for the rendering system, the samples used for the 3D interpolated sources and their associated parameters, and specify a range of settings required for ambisonic rendering.

Ambisonic Configuration Files

For Ambisonic rendering, many additional parameters are also needed that cannot be configured in the 3D Audio Output dialog.

These parameters are split between three files AmbisonicDecodingMatrix.txt, Ambisonic_ShelfFilters.txt, and AmbisonicEqualization.xml. These parameters must not be modified by the user.

  • VBAP_ls_directions_2D and VBAP_ls_directions_3D are a list of azimuth angles for all speakers (2D) and a list of pairs of azimuth and elevation angles for all speakers (3D), respectively.
  • VBAP_delay is a list of delays in milliseconds for the speakers of the VBAP system (the first element in the list is for output channel 1 of the sound card, the second element for channel 2, etc).
  • VBAP_gain is a list of gains in dB applied to the speakers of the VBAP system (the first element in the list is for output channel 1 of the sound card, the second element for channel 2, etc).
  • SubNumber is the number of subwoofers used in the VBAP system, or in the binaural system when additional subwoofers are present.
  • SubGainsList is a list of gains for the subwoofers (in VBAP mode, if you have N speakers, the first element in the list is for output channel N+1 of the sound card, the second element for channel N+2, and so on. If you are in binaural mode with added subwoofers, the first element in the list is for output channel 3 of the sound card, the second element for channel 4, and so on).
  • FreqCrossover is the value in Hz for the crossover frequency between speakers and subwoofers, or headphones and subwoofers.


Equalization filters for dedicated headphones models can be provided in this XML file.

The filter coefficients are listed as packets of 5, and correspond to a cascade of biquad filters (order 2 IIR filters). A bypass filter (no active filtering) should then be listed as 1. 0. 0. 0. 0.

For VBAP and Ambisonic equalization, the respective files Loudspeakers.xml and AmbisonicEqualization.xml have the same structure, but in this case FIR filters are expected, not IIR. FIR coefficients must then be provided.