Studying Annoyance

Opening a signal in Pa is required.

If you want to compute indicators for specific chunks of a signal, add cursors to mark out the signal.

  1. From the drop-down list, select Comfort equations.

    The Comfort equations profile is selected and the related indicators are displayed.

  2. In Signals, select the boxes corresponding to the signal(s) for which you want to compute the indicators.
  3. If some of the selected signals are marked out with cursors, in Signals, click the signal, then select:

    • the Start-End check box to calculate the indicators over the whole signal,

    • the check box corresponding to a chunk between two consecutive cursors to calculate the indicators over this specific part of the signal,

    • the Start-End check box and one or several check boxes corresponding to chunks to calculate the indicators over each selected signal and chunks.

    The signal(s) as well as chunks are selected.

  4. Repeat the step 3 for each signal including cursors.

  5. Click Compute.

The results of the Comfort equations profile are displayed in a table.

You can now save the results.