General Settings

This section describes the settings used for order analysis, and their effect on the analysis itself. The calculation method is detailed in Theory of Order Analysis.

Tip: The general settings are available from the File > Preferences menu.



Number of pulses for average RPM calculation

This parameter is used when creating a RPM signal from a tachometric signal.

A (tachometer) pulse signal is a signal exhibiting pulses patterns. These patterns appear at a period related to the number of revolutions per second of the measured device. To transform these pulses into an RPM signal, it is necessary to average these pulses by grouping them. This group will allow the estimation of the instantaneous RPM value. This parameter controls the number of pulses required to form a group.

Highest order for order view

This parameter controls the number of orders to analyze and display in time vs. order and RPM vs. order representations. If you want to analyze orders with higher rank, specify a higher value. See Theory of Order Analysis for more information.

Resolution for order display

This parameter, specified in percent of order, is the resolution of the order analysis colormap. This parameter has an influence on the order analysis when calculating level of orders vs. time. See Theory of Order Analysis for more information.

Order analysis resolution (deltaH, in percent of order)

The resolution of the order analysis is the width, expressed in percent of order, of the area which will be integrated to obtain the energy of a given order at a given RPM value. The order analysis of order #N is done from the RPM vs. order representation, integrating (summing) the energy of this particular Nth order in a frequency band of width deltaH Hz. This bandwidth is therefore proportional to the RPM and deltaH parameter. Recommended value is 30%.

Tip: to find a convenient deltaH value for the analysis, use Select harmonics tool from a rpm vs. orders display. The Width parameter will exhibit the area of integration if you use the same value as deltaH.

See Theory of Order Analysis for more information.

Automatically apply to all windows

This setting applies the settings above to all the already opened windows which contain an order representation (that is, having the order number as the ordinate axis).

Order analysis width

The resolution of the order analysis is the width, expressed in percent of order, of the area which will be integrated to obtain the energy of a given order at a given RPM value. The order analysis of order #N is done from the RPM vs. order representation, integrating (summing) the energy of this particular Nth order in a frequency band of width deltaH Hz. This bandwidth is therefore proportional to the RPM and deltaH parameter. Recommended value is 30%.

Tip: to find a convenient deltaH value for the analysis, use Select harmonics tool from a rpm vs. orders display. The Width parameter will exhibit the area of integration if you use the same value as deltaH.

See Theory of Order Analysis for more information.

Default unit for order display

This is the default unit used for order level display graphs, chosen among dB SPL, dBA or Pa.