Creating a Harmonics Model (2 Parameters)

Prerequisites: You must already have a set of source files (created from recording or simulation) describing the harmonic source for the model, with one parameter evolving in the file, and the other considered to be fixed for a given file. Typical file formats supported here are described in Harmonics Sources. From a measurement file, they can be created using the procedure described in Creating a Harmonics Model (1 Parameter).
To create a model of a harmonics source signal:
  1. Choose Modules > Sound Composer > Create a harmonics model (2-control parameter) from the menu bar.
    The Harmonic model (2-control parameter) creation dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click either Add files to select the files to add to the model or Assisted load to select a series of files which you have named according to a pattern (see note below).
    Note: The Assisted load dialog prompts you to input a Control 2 "prefix" and Control 2 "suffix" and will load a series of files based on the naming convention control_2_prefix_X_control_2_suffix, taking the remaining part of the filename (_X_ in the example above) as the series of Control 2 values. For example, if you define the prefix as load= and the suffix as _percent.txt, files named load=10_percent.txt and load=20_percent.txt will be associated with Control 2 values of 10 and 20 respectively.
  3. Replace Control 1 name and Control 2 name with the actual names of your two control parameters (for example: speed, torque or load).
  4. Enter the unit for control parameter 2 (the unit for parameter 1 is preset from the data files you selected).
    Note: If the RPM is control 2, this can be indicated by selecting Control 2 in the Select RPM drop-down menu.
  5. Click Check and display all to verify your dataset.
    If successful, the Dataset Coverage dialog is displayed showing the range of coverage with control parameter 1 on the x-axis and parameter 2 on the y-axis.
  6. Click Save to save your dataset. You can also use the toolbar buttons to create a New dataset, Open a previously-saved dataset, Save or Save As using a new name for the dataset file.
  7. You can now close the dialog.