Computing the Difference between Two Signals

The Difference feature lets you subtract any kind of signals as long as they have the same unit, for example, you can calculate the difference of two temporal signals, or the difference of two orders.

Note: For a temporal signal, only the visible signal is subtracted. For example the associated tachometric information is not subtracted.

To Compute the Difference between Two Signals:

  1. Open two temporal signals or two spectra.
  2. In Tools, click Difference.
  3. In the Difference between two signals box, select the signals.
  4. In Destination, choose:
    • Add in a new window

      Note: For a temporal signal, you should add the resulting signal in a new window. For spectra and temporal orders, you should add the resulting order in the current block.
    • Add to a new block

    • Add to an existing block

Depending on the selection, the signal resulting from the difference is displayed in a new window, a new block or in an existing block.