Comfort Equations Overview

Comfort equations integrate elementary psychoacoustic indicators into a global indicator of annoyance or unpleasantness. The included psychoacoustic indicators are:

The first comfort equation is Widmann's Psychoacoustics Annoyance (PA), and cited in Zwicker and Fastl, 1990:

PA = N.(1+(ws2 +wfr2)1/2)

ws = max(s-1.75,0.0).0.25.log10(N+10)

wfr = 2.18 / N0.4 . (0.4 . F + 0.6 . R)

Where S is the sharpness in acum, N is the loudness in sone, F is the fluctuation strength in vacil, and R is the roughness in asper.

The second comfort equation is a customizable polynomial relationship between acoustic comfort and psychoacoustic indicators:

Comfort indicator = a.Nb + c.Sd + e.Rf +g.Fh + i.Gj

Where S is the sharpness in acum, N is the loudness in sone, F is the fluctuation strength in vacil, R is the roughness in asper and G is the level in dB(G). The constants a, b, c, d, e, f, i and j are set up by the user in the computation profile editing window.