Calling the Processing in Command line

Sound generation from Mechanical simulation XML files can be done through a command line call.

To Call the Processing in Command line:

  1. Launch a command interpreter window (cmd).
  2. Type the command line and validate.

    Example: lea.exe -ansys "C/MyDirectory/filename.XML" -d 10 -fs 44100 -m FFT

Sound: Analysis and Specification is opened and the sound corresponding to filename.xml is created, using the inverse FFT method, a duration of 10 seconds and a sampling frequency of 44100 Hz.

Note: Options of the command line:

- ansys: followed by the full path filename of the XML file coming from Mechanical calculation

- d: followed by the duration in seconds of the sound to generate (positive number). Default value is 10.

- fs: followed by the sampling frequency of the signal to generate (integer positive value). Default value is 44100.

- m: followed by the sound generation method to use (default value is FFT) - FFT: refers to method "Inverse FFT" - HARMO: refers to method "Harmonic model"