Calculate TNR or PR from a Spectrogram

Prerequisites: You must have an RPM profile associated with your signal of interest before you begin. See Associating an RPM Profile with a Signal for more information.
  1. From the spectrogram display of your temporal signal, choose Calculation > Calculate TNR of orders... or Calculation > Calculate PR of orders....
    An Order Selection window is displayed.
    Note: The Calculation menu is only available if your spectrogram has an associated RPM.
    Tip: The Calculate TNR of orders... and Calculate PR of orders... commands are also available on the spectrogram's context menu.
  2. In the Order Selection window, type in the orders for which you want to calculate the TNR (or PR).
  3. Press the OK button to validate.
A new window with two blocks is displayed.
Block 1
contains the TNR (or PR) vs. time for all the orders you specified
Block 2
contains the RPM profile vs. time
Note: You can switch the abscissa from "Time" to "RPM" by choosing Change X-axis from the context menu.
Tip: You can save the TNR (or PR) of some or all orders into a text file by choosing File > Export data in ASCII file... from the menu bar.