Associating an RPM Profile with a Signal

This section explains how to associate an RPM profile with a signal, to be able to perform an order analysis.

To Associate a RPM Profile with a Signal:

  1. Open a tachometric signal.
  2. Open a signal having a relationship with this tachometric signal.
    Note: Usually, it is an acoustic recording that was measured synchronously with the tachometric signal.
  3. In the Menu, go to Tools > Associate a RPM profile....
  4. In the Associate a RPM signal window, select:
    1. the Audio signal with which you want to associate a RPM profile,
    2. the RPM / tachometric signal to associate.
  5. Define the tachometric signal type.
    • If the signal is a pulse signal, tick Pulse signal, then type the number of peaks per revolution.

    • If the Revolution Per Minute information is provided directly as a signal, tick Engine rpm signal.

      Note: The engine rpm has to be positive.
    • If you want to associate to the current signal the same Revolution Per Minute as the one already associated to another opened signal, tick Imported from another signal, then select a signal.

  6. Click OK.
The RPM profile is associated with the signal (see Signal Profiles).
Note: You can now: